An Appeal from One Woman to Another-Be the Voice of Reason!

civil rights, parenting, politics

As a woman, a mother, stepmom, and a grandmother I would like to appeal to all women everywhere. It’s time that each of us step up as the voice of reason within our own families and circle of friends. Our husbands, boyfriends, brothers, nephews, our sons and stepsons, grandsons, and great grandsons are killing and are being killed in alarming numbers.

There is fault on all sides and I’m not going to debate that here.

I’m appealing to each and every woman in America, and all over the world to step forward and be the change I know that each of you want to see in our world.

There is no longer a reason to fear the war overseas for the war has already begun and it’s right in our own neighborhoods. If you want to help ensure that your loved ones regardless of their skin color, sexual orientation, or political affiliation come home safely, there is one thing you can do that will make a difference if we ALL STAND TOGETHER.

Talk to your family! Sit down with your family, those people who are dear to you, the people you love so completely, the children and friends that you would cry for if they were to be caught up and killed in this war that has begun in our country.

Talk to them about the importance of forgiveness, love, and peace. Talk to them about why it’s so important to you that they choose to turn the other cheek when situations arise in this world that give rise to anger and hatred. This is not to say there are not people in this world who already advocate peace because of course there are. But as women we know that many of us, many of our family and friends are quick to anger, quick to step up to defend and protect, quick to spread hate and gossip rather than “talk”.

It is way past TIME my human sisters. The turning point is here for our country. The point where we will either continue to spread hatred and condone killing based on fear and anger or we will say enough is enough.

We as women must stand together as wives, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, sisters. We must stand together and encourage, nay we must plead on hands and knees if need be, for our families, and especially our men and sons to stand with us AGAINST all of the violence and hatred that is threatening to consume this world.

We cannot begin to make change in our neighborhoods or the world until we make changes in our own families.

We as women have stood united in the past and won on many fronts. I beg of you my human sisters, be the peacemakers and the voice of reason within your own family and friends. If we stand united in just this ONE TASK, We can reach everyone and turn the tide to save the lives of our loved ones.

After Demanding Voter ID Laws, Alabama Republicans Close DMVs In ALL Black Counties | Occupy Democrats

civil rights, politics, prepping

The state of Alabama announced that it will no longer be issuing drivers licenses in predominately African American counties. This is extremely problematic because Alabama now requires a photo ID to vote. By making it impossible to receive a driver’s license in counties where 75% of registered voters are black, they eliminate the black vote […]

Source: After Demanding Voter ID Laws, Alabama Republicans Close DMVs In ALL Black Counties | Occupy Democrats


Pay attention folks!  We cannot allow this to happen in Alabama or any other state in this country!!  I just read this today. I’m floored actually. I will be researching to find out how much truth there is to this article. But if it’s accurate?  Our country is headed for a world of trouble!